søndag den 28. december 2008

Percula, took WoW movies to the next level.

The Craft of War: BLIND from percula on Vimeo.

A few words from the author, Percula
Earlier this year I got pretty bored and decided to do something creative in my spare time. I've been wanting to do a fight scene for a while and decided to develop a story with World of Warcraft. There are some great machinimas created by fans and at one point I thought about making a machinima as well but animation is what I do and I decided to use my skills in making something.

My thought is to make The Craft of War a series. Each episode would spotlight a different class in combat. To give you a hint of what I'm currently thinking TCoW2 will be titled Mark, Counterspell, or Execute. Blind2 is also a possiblity and there's a comedy I'd like to try as well. Of course this is all dependent upon how Blind is recieved. If people think its crap then I probably won't be making anymore, hehe. If that's the case let's not ever bring this up again I've also included the trailer for Blind at the end. I had thought about putting out a trailer a month ago but it seems stupid to have a trailer for something thats only 7-8 minutes long. I thought it turned out cool so I've included it.

All that being said I got some rather bad news a few months ago. The parent company of my game studio has decided lay everyone off. So with this impending layoff my future is unclear and I don't know when or if I'll be able to continue with The Craft of War. Perhaps this video will help me somehow if people like it and pass it around so please forward it to others. Although it's not perfect I decided to call it done and put it out there.

About the song Hide & Seek, although I don't speak or understand Japanese I thought the song fitting and would help me tell the story. I don't really have to understand the lyrics of a song to like it. It's more about the music and pacing and hopefully the song isn't about baking cakes when I'm showing fighting. If you're offended by foreign words then don't watch. There are some Spanish, German, and English songs that I'm considering for future episodes and even songs from previous fan videos you may have seen.

I don't know what kind of a reaction I'll be getting but I may not be able to respond to all of the emails. I'll try and answer the most frequently asked questions by updating this summary.

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